しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


「ディーパック・チョプラ : 人生の本質」 その1。「心の平和」を求める人へ。 “Deepak Chopra : The Book of secrets” No.1. For those who are seeking “peace of mind.”



“I’m not religious, but spiritual.” Now, the number of those who claim this is increasing all over the world. Those people are seeking “peace of mind” for true happiness not in doctrines of conventional religions but in spiritual wisdom. Deepak Chopra is zealously supported by those people and many of his books are translated in the countries all over the world――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Centuries ago the doctrine of one reality occupied center stage in spiritual life. Religions and peoples and traditions varied wildly, but there was universal agreement that the world is a seamless creation imbued with one intelligence, one creative design. Monotheism called the one reality God; India called it Brahman; China called it the Tao.

何世紀も前には、真実の教義が精神世界の中心にありました。宗教も人も伝統も多種多様に存在はしても、世界は一つの英知、一つの創造的デザインによってつくられた共同体であると誰もが思っていたのです。一神論においては、真実は神と呼ばれました。インドではそれをバラモンと呼び、中国ではそれをタオ (道) と呼んでいました。


By any name, every person existed within this infinite intelligence, and whatever we did on our own was part of creator’s grand design. A person didn’t have to become a spiritual seeker to find the one reality, Everybody’s life already fit into it. The creator permeated each particle of creation equally, and the same divine spark animated life in all its forms.



Today we’d call this view mystical  because it deals in invisible things.



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全米ベストセラー「Attached」 で、人間関係の悩みを根本的に解決する。Solve your problems of human relations fundamentally through “Attached,” the U.S. best-seller.


“Attached” was introduced in the NHK program on-aired on May 4. Now it is enthusiastically given support to by young people in the U.S. as the book to dramatically solve the problems of human relations, particularly love relationship――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Adult attachment designates three main “attachment styles,” or manners in which people perceive and respond to intimacy in romantic relationships, which parallel those found in children: Secure, Anxious, and Avoidant.

大人のアタッチメント行動には、Sタイプ (Secure : 安定型)、Nタイプ (Anxious : 不安型)、Vタイプ (Avoidant : 回避型) という3つの「タイプ」があります。大人がパートナーとの関係において、親密さをどのように理解し、反応するかはタイプによって違うのです。これらのタイプは、子どもにも見られるものです。


Basically, secure people feel comfortable with intimacy and are usually warm and loving;

Sタイプ (安定型) の人にとって、相手と親密になることは自然なことです。また、このタイプの人は温かく愛情深い人柄の人が多いのです。


anxious people crave intimacy, are often preoccupied with their relationships, and tend to worry about their partner’s ability to love them back;

Nタイプ (不安型) の人にとっては、パートナートノ親密さはなくてはならないもので、時には相手に夢中になりすぎたり、相手が愛してくれないのではないかと不安にさいなまれたりします。


avoidant people equate intimacy with a loss of independence and constantly try to minimize closeness.

Vタイプ (回避型) の人にとっては、親密さは自由の喪失を意味するので、交際している相手がいても、常に距離を置こうとします。


Adult attachment research has produced hundreds of scientific papers and dozens of books that carefully delineate the way in which adults behave in close romantic ties. These studies have confirmed, many times over, the existence of these attachment styles in adults in a wide range of countries and cultures.



Understanding attachment styles is an easy and reliable way to understand and predict people’s behavior in any romantic situation. In fact, one of the main messages of this theory is that in romantic situations, we are programmed to act in a predetermined manner.




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「中村元 : 比較思想から見た仏教」 その4。ハイデガーが絶賛した親鸞と「歎異抄」。 “Hajime Nakamura : Buddhism in comparative light” No.4. Shinran and “Tannisho” that were highly praised by Heidegger.

「今日、歎異抄を読んだ。もし私が10年前に仏僧・親鸞のことを知っていたら、ギリシア語やラテン語を勉強するのではなく日本語を勉強して、生涯、彼の教えを学び、そして広めていただろう。しかし遅すぎた」 : 20世紀の最も偉大な哲学者ハイデガーが絶賛した親鸞の教えとは?――バイリンガルで、どうぞ。

“Today, I read Tannisho. If I had known about the Buddhist monk Shinran a decade ago, I wouldn’t have studied Greek and Latin but Japanese so as to learn and spread the teaching of him for a life time. But it’s too late” : What is the teaching of Shinran that Martin Heidegger, one of the greatest philosophers in the 20th  century, highly praised?――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



But Shinran also stresses the salvation of common men solely by grace of Amitābha Buddha. ”Take refuge in the Ultimate Strength, for His pure radiance is above all things. He who perceiveth the Light is set free from the fetters of Karma.”(San-Amidabutsu-ge). “Take refuge in the Mighty Consoler. Wheresoever His mercy shineth throughout all the worlds, men rejoice in its gladding light. (San-Amidabutsu-ge). “Without His Compassionate Vow how can we wretched beings be delivered from the fetters of birth-and-death.” (Tannisho).

ところで、親鸞もまた、われわれ凡夫がひとえに阿弥陀仏の慈悲にすがることによって救われるのであると強調する。「清浄光明ならびなし 遇斯光 (ぐしこう) のゆへなれば 一切の業繋ものぞこりぬ 畢竟依を帰命せよ」「慈光はるかにかふらしめ ひかりのいたるところには 法喜をうとぞのべたまふ 大安慰を帰命せよ」(『讃阿弥陀仏偈和讃』)、「この悲願ましまさずば、かかるあさましき罪人いかでか生死を解脱すべき」(『歎異抄』)。



In Japan, generally speaking, the Buddhist faith was professed in terms of the human nexus. Many people were converted for the beatitude of their parents, relatives or masters or feudal lords etc. But Shinran’s professed faith was genuinely individualistic.



“I, Shinran, for the sake of filial piety towards my parents, have never, ever once uttered the Nembutsu (invocation of Amida). The reason is that all sentient beings in some birth of life have been my parents or my brothers. We can save all of them when we become Buddhas in next life” (Tannisho).



Individualism in the religious sense of the word was very conspicuous in the case of Shinran. Yuien, Shinran’s disciple, presented the belief of his master as follows : “The Master (Shinran used to say, “When I carefully consider the Vow which Amida brought forth after five kalpas’ contemplation, I find that it was solely for me, Shinran alone! So how gracious is the Original Vow of Amida who resolved to save me, possessed of many karmic sins!” (Tannisho).

宗教的な意味における個人主義は、親鸞の場合に特に明白であった。彼は弟子の唯円に向かって述懐した。「弥陀の五劫思惟の願をよくよく案ずればひとへに親鸞一人 (いちにん) がためなりけり。されば、そくばくの業をもちける身にてありけるを、たすけんとおぼしめしたちける本願のかたじけなさよ」(『歎異抄』)。


It has been a conspicuous tendency among the Japanese people to esteem master-disciple relationship in a closely knit group around a master. Shinran denied it defiantly. “It is utterly unreasonable for those who are devoted solely to the Nembutsu (invocation of Amida) to quarrel, saying, “These are my disciples” or “Those are others’ disciples.” I, Shinran, do not have even one disciple of my own, The reason is, if I should lead others to utter the Nembutsu by my own efforts, I might call them my disciples. But it is truly ridiculous to call them my disciples, when they utter the Nembutsu through the working of Amida Buddha.” (Tannisho).




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Buddhism in Comparative Light

Buddhism in Comparative Light







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「中村元 : 比較思想から見た仏教」 その3。日本を救った愛の精神。 “Hajime Nakamura : Buddhism in comparative light” No.3. The spirit of love that saved Japan.

「憎しみは憎しみによって止むことなく、愛によってのみ止む」 : このブッダの教えを引用した、1951年のサンフランシスコ講和会議での、スリランカ代表ジャヤワルダナ氏の演説が、4分割させられそうになっていた日本を救いました。各国の代表たちの気持ちを変えた、愛の精神とは?――バイリンガルで、どうぞ。

“Hatred ceases not by hatred, but by love” : At 1951 San Francisco Peace Conference, the speech by J. R. Jayawardene, a representative of Sri Lanka, that quoted this teaching of the Buddha  saved Japan that was on the verge of being divided into four regions. What is the spirit of love that changed the minds of representatives from each country?――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Love or friendliness could be called the highest virtue. The golden rule is expressed in the maxim : Do as one would be done by. In the Bible it is taught, “ As you wish that men would do to you, do so to them. (Luke 6, 31).

愛ないし慈しみは最高の徳目と呼ばれうるであろう。黄金律は「人にされたいと欲するように行なえ」という格言に表現されている。聖書も「人々にして欲しいと望むことを、人々に対して行ないなさい」(『ルカの福音書』) と教えている。


Early Buddhists said : “All men tremble at punishment, all me fear death; remember that you are like unto them, and do not kill, nor cause slaughter. All me tremble at punishment, all men love life; remember that thou art like unto them, and do not kill nor cause slaughter (Dhammapada 129-130). “He who is seeking his own happiness does not punish or kill beings who also long for happiness, will find happiness after death (Dhammapada 132).



The spirit of love should be expressed in all phase of our life.

      “Putting away the killing of living beings, he holds aloof

 from the destruction of life. The cudgel and the sword he has

laid aside, and ashamed of roughness, and full of mercy, he

dwells compassionate, and kind to all creatures that have life (Digha-Nikāya).






One should not offend others even by speech. “Our mind shall not waver. No evil speech will we utter. Tender and compassionate will we abide, loving in heart, void of malice within. And we will be over suffusing such a one with rays of our loving thought, and with that feeling as a basis will ever be suffusing the whole world with thought of love, far-reaching, grown great, beyond measure, void of anger or ill-will (Majihima-Nikāya).



Towards contempt or injury afflicted by others, one should have forbearance.

    “He abused me, he beat me,

    Overcame me, robbed me”.

    In those who harbour such thoughts

    Their anger is not calmed.

    Not by anger are angers

    In this world calmed.

    By meekness are they calmed

    “Let me conquer wrath by meekness.

    Let one conquer wrong by goodness.

    Let one conquer the mean man by a gift.

    And liar by the truth. (Dhammapada)













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Buddhism in Comparative Light

Buddhism in Comparative Light







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「中村元 : 比較思想から見た仏教」 その2。「無我」: 仏教では「自己」は全く存在しない? “Hajime Nakamura : Buddhism in comparative light” No.2_”Non-ego” : Is there no “self” at all according to Buddhism?


“Non-ego” is the particularly famous teaching in Buddhism. However, there is said to be crucial misunderstanding――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



In early Buddhism those who got rid of the notion of “Ego” were highly praised. This kind of denial, however, does not mean nihilism or materialism. The Buddha clearly told us what the self is not, but he does not give any clear account of what it is. It is quite wrong to think that there is no self at all according to Buddhism. The Buddha was not a mere materialist.

初期の仏教では ”自我” の観念を離れた人々は高く賞賛された。しかしながら、この種の否定は虚無主義唯物論を意味しない。ブッダは何が自己でないかは明確に説いたが、何が自己であるかは明瞭に説明していない。仏教で自己を全く認めない、と考えるのは誤りである。ブッダは単なる唯物論者ではなかったのである。


“He among men, O Brahmin, who eschews

All claims of me and mine; he in whom thought

Rises in lonely calm, in pity rapt,

Loathing all foul things, dwelling in chastity――

Herein proficient, in such matters trained.

Mortal can reachth’ immortal heav’n of Brahma (Digha-Nikaya)







The Buddha did not as a rule dwell on illusion in general (maya) as most Hindu scholars do; he maintained no conceit of the illusion of the ego.



From the investigation we have made so far, it is clear that the assertion of the denial of the Ego appeared in a later period. The Buddha did not deny the soul, but was silent concerning it. Moreover, he seems to have acknowledged what might be called a “true self” which is to appear in our moral conduct conforming to universal norm. While he did not assume the existence of soul as a metaphysical substance, he admitted the function of the self as the subject of action in a practical and moral sense.

これまで検討してきたことから明らかなように、自我の否定の主張はのちの時代に現れたのであり、ブッダ自身は魂を否定せず、それについてはひたすら沈黙を守った。そればかりか、普遍的規範に合致するわれわれの道徳的行為において現れる “真実の自己” なるものは認めていたようである。つまり、ブッダ形而上学的実体としての魂の存在を想定することはなかったが、実践的で道徳的な意味における行為の主体としての自己の働きは認めていたのである。


Here again, it may be concluded, the Buddha was more concerned with the practical, ethical implications of the an-attā doctrine than with any metaphysical discussion of the subject――ethical implications which have been emphasized throughout Buddhist history. As we have observed, he was concerned to eschew, in this respect, “all claims of me and mine.”

ここで再び結論づければ、ブッダがより関心があったのは非我 (無我) の教説の実践的で道徳的な意義であり、それについての形而上学的な論議には関心が薄かった、ということになろう。そして、その道徳的な意義は全仏教史を通じて強調されてきたのである。上述のように、この点に関して、ブッダは “私および私のものという主張” をすべて慎もうと努めたのであった。


It might appear that in these two traditions, Buddhist and Christian we have two divergent valuations of man. It might therefore be asked how it is that, despite these different estimates of human nature, both Buddhism and Christianity have been universal in their appeal. But such a question arises from a misreading of the an-attā doctrine and what Buddhists conclude from it.



This an-attā doctrine has to be understood in the light of the Buddhist faith that all men have Mahayana Buddhists call the ‘Buddha nature.’ It is not that human personality is denied, but that theories of huma personality which encourage ego-centricity are denied as they hinder man from realizing his true self. Thus in both traditions we have teaching which responds to human aspiration and meets the deep, inner sense in all men that they are not, as yet, what they might be and many become.

この無我の教説は、あらゆる人間は大乗仏教でいう “仏性” を有する、という仏教的信仰の観点から理解されなければならない。そこで否定されているのは人間の個性そのものではなく、自己中心的な考えを促す諸理論が真実の自己を悟ることを妨げるもの、として否定されているのである。このように両方の伝統には、人間の切なる願いに呼応し、いまだ理想とすべきものにはなっていないが、そうなりうるという、すべての人間の深遠かつ精神的な観念にかなう教えが存するのである。



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Buddhism in Comparative Light







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「中村元 : 比較思想から見た仏教」 その1。ブッダもイエスも”医者”だった。 “Hajime Nakamura : Buddhism in comparative light” No.1_Both the Buddha and Jesus Christ were “doctors”.


A culmination of Hajime Nakamura’s research of Buddhism that gets to the bottom of Buddhism――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



The Buddha was often compared with a doctor. According to him, human nature is sick of a disease. His own role is conceived to be that of the physician. His doctrine was presented as a therapy, a treatment or cure, for those who wanted to follow it――a method and a process of healing. He offered his advice in the practical manner or a spiritual physician; the art of Indian medicine seems to have been adopted by him into the sphere of spiritual problems.



The Buddha’s immediate and primary concern was with the condition of human and other sentient beings and what should be done about it. He diagnosed this condition in terms of dukkha, usually translated as “suffering”, a suffering which could be remedied. His parable therefore suggests that, this being the case, he regarded metaphysical discussions as distracting, not beneficial to human life, not related to the attainment of the goal, Nirvana.

ブッダにとって緊急かつ根本的な関心事は、人間や他の衆生の置かれている状況であり、それに対して何がなされるべきかということであった。ブッダはこの状況を ”苦” と診断したが、それは治療されうるものであった。こうした事情を踏まえてみると、ブッダの喩え話からは、ブッダ形而上学的議論を、心惑わすもの、人生に役立たないもの、涅槃という目的に到達するのに関係ないもの、と見なしていたことがうかがえる。


Christian teaching, more often than not, has exhibited the same practical concern which I have observed in the case of the Buddha, with Christ himself taken as the great example of such concern. For Christ, like Buddha, has conceived in his role as that of physician. When he was criticised for consorting with sinners, he replied:



“Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Luke 5, 31-32).



And it may be noted that this is reported by St. Luke who was himself a doctor. The portrait of Christ in the Gospel is indeed that of a busy doctor and Christ’s teaching, like the Buddha’s, is in consequent terms. It starts from a diagnosis of human need in terms of moral and spiritual sickness and then points a remedy.





My THIRD anthology has been published.

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Buddhism in Comparative Light

Buddhism in Comparative Light







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「中村元 : 比較思想から見た仏教」 その1。ブッダもイエスも”医者”だった。 “Hajime Nakamura : Buddhism in comparative light” No.1_Both the Buddha and Jesus Christ were “doctors”.


A culmination of Hajime Nakamura’s research of Buddhism that gets to the bottom of Buddhism――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



The Buddha was often compared with a doctor. According to him, human nature is sick of a disease. His own role is conceived to be that of the physician. His doctrine was presented as a therapy, a treatment or cure, for those who wanted to follow it――a method and a process of healing. He offered his advice in the practical manner or a spiritual physician; the art of Indian medicine seems to have been adopted by him into the sphere of spiritual problems.



The Buddha’s immediate and primary concern was with the condition of human and other sentient beings and what should be done about it. He diagnosed this condition in terms of dukkha, usually translated as “suffering”, a suffering which could be remedied. His parable therefore suggests that, this being the case, he regarded metaphysical discussions as distracting, not beneficial to human life, not related to the attainment of the goal, Nirvana.

ブッダにとって緊急かつ根本的な関心事は、人間や他の衆生の置かれている状況であり、それに対して何がなされるべきかということであった。ブッダはこの状況を ”苦” と診断したが、それは治療されうるものであった。こうした事情を踏まえてみると、ブッダの喩え話からは、ブッダ形而上学的議論を、心惑わすもの、人生に役立たないもの、涅槃という目的に到達するのに関係ないもの、と見なしていたことがうかがえる。


Christian teaching, more often than not, has exhibited the same practical concern which I have observed in the case of the Buddha, with Christ himself taken as the great example of such concern. For Christ, like Buddha, has conceived in his role as that of physician. When he was criticised for consorting with sinners, he replied:



“Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Luke 5, 31-32).



And it may be noted that this is reported by St. Luke who was himself a doctor. The portrait of Christ in the Gospel is indeed that of a busy doctor and Christ’s teaching, like the Buddha’s, is in consequent terms. It starts from a diagnosis of human need in terms of moral and spiritual sickness and then points a remedy.





My THIRD anthology has been published.

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Buddhism in Comparative Light

Buddhism in Comparative Light







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